My Books

Truth be told… I love to write almost as much as I love to coach and teach.

When it was time for college I actually considered majoring in English and Creative Writing.  My capitalist sensibilities took over and ultimately Business Administration and Marketing caught my eye.  The rest is history… or at least historically recorded on my LinkedIn page.

Anyway, after assimilating a few years of experience, I brought my career experiences and life perspectives to life.

The Rat The Race and the Cage is about making great career choices.  This is at the core of everything I teach and mentor. It provides you with a simple tool to analyze your current job build your own “Personal Career Compass” as you search for the perfect next gig.  I wrote it in such a way that people can envision themselves in the story.  You can buy it here.

Entrepreneur Book Cover- Front OnlyMy friend Patrick Bet-David and I discussed feedback he had received for an amazingly successful viral video he created “The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds”  you can see it here.  He was receiving a ton of emails asking if he could put the concepts in the video into a book.  So he did. I helped write it and it came to life in nice form, if I do say so myself – which I basically just did. You can buy it here.